Configuring Import Layout Settings

The Import Layout section of the Fuel Import Setup dialog box lets you configure the layout settings of each field in the fuel import file. This configuration is mandatory if you have set the fixed column setting to Yes while configuring fuel import settings.

In the Import Layout section, you can perform the following:

o      Configure the import layout settings

o      Set validations and data transformations


To view the Import Layout section of the  Fuel Import Setup dialog box, click the Fuel Import Setup link.

The Import Layout section includes the following columns:

·       Field Name: Displays all the field names that can be included in the fuel import file.

·       Starting position: This indicates the position at which the field information begins.

·       Length: This is the number of characters from the starting position.

For example: For Fuel Type field, if the starting position is set to 6 and the length is set to 4, the character in the sixth position followed by the next four characters indicate the fuel type.

·       Field Format: You can specify fixed values for Meter Type, Fuel Site and Fuel Dispenser when they are imported in the fuel transaction file. These fixed values will always override any other values that are specified for Fuel Site and Fuel Dispenser in the fuel transaction file.

You can also use the Field Format column to specify fixed values for the transaction date that are imported in the fuel transaction file.

 For example, the transaction dates:

o      07/8/12, 7/08/12, 7/8/12, and 07/08/12 are successfully imported if the field format is set to the mm/dd/yy or dd/mm/yy format.

o      07/8/2012, 7/08/2012, 7/8/2012, and 07/08/2012 are successfully imported if the field format is set to the mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy format.

o      07-8-12, 7-08-12, 7-8-12, and 07-08-12 are successfully imported if the field format is set to mm-dd-yy or dd-mm-yy format.

o      07-8-2012, 7-08-2012, 7-8-2012, and 07-08-2012 are successfully imported if the field format is set to the mm-dd-yyyy or dd-mm-yyyy format.

o      070812 is successfully imported if the field format is mmddyy or ddmmyy. All other transaction date formats are rejected.

o      07082012 is successfully imported if the field format is mmddyyyy or ddmmyyyy. All other transaction date formats are rejected.

For information about all the available date formats, see Fuel transaction date and time format.

·       Not Required from Export: You can include or exclude the corresponding field while importing files in FASTER Web.

o      Select the check box to exclude the field while importing files.

o      Clear this check box to include the field while importing files.

·       Configuration: Click the Configure link of the respective field to open the Configurations dialog box. In the Configurations dialog box, you can set field level validations and data transformations behavior for fuel import. The icon next to the Configure link denotes that validation is added to the respective field. Point the cursor to the icon to view the added validations.

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